Cheon Bok Gung - The Temple For World Peace & Unity

A place where all religions can come together in harmony, be as neighbors to each other, sharing God's truth. Cheon Bok Gung, a temple for world peace and unity has now been dedicated to God in Korea, the country in which the Messiah has already come.

In human history, we can see it is filled with conflict and war. More often or not, inter-religious conflict is in it too. Each religion calls God by a different name, each has their own theology, thus causing conflict and war among religions.

A new kind of religious center is needed, where all people can come together beyond race, religion and culture and receive God's Blessing.

On October 12th 2008, Reverend Sun Myung Moon has initiated the historical task in building this temple. Cheon Bok Gung, a palace that can accumulate heaven's blessing. Today, it has been completed.

Front view of the building.
To actualize the physical foundation for this building , members of the Unification Movement worldwide supported by donating funds and through fund raising. The international president of the movement laid the spiritual foundation for the actualization of world peace & unity through this building by offering 21,000 bows condition. This condition has touched many members and religion leaders hearts.

The main hall where worship service is held.
A very unique thing in this building is it's prayer room, where there's paintings of the four great saints, statues of religious and also all centering upon the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. All kinds of religious people are welcomed to pray in this room to their own respective religions and bow to True Parents. This is truly the actualization of inter-religious harmony. Rev Moon is truly the Messiah who brings unity among religions. 

Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad & Confucius. The Four Great Saints in the prayer room.

Mother Mary & Amitabha statues in the prayer room.
There has never been a place like this before, where all religions may come together, be represented and connected to a common purpose. We believe that God message is true love through universal shared values, and that the Temple for World Peace & Unity will be an ideal stage to bring this message to the world.

True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who brings unification among religions.


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