Message From The Spirit World: Twelve Representatives Of Buddhism

1) Venerable Maha Moggallana
One of the Buddha's ten greatest disciples, who had outstanding divine power 
"Why haven't Buddhists known about God until now, even though God and humankind are in a relationship of Father and children."
To be frank, I, Maha Moggallana, wanted to acquire the reputation and prestige befitting a disciple of the Buddha. However, what is to be done about this astonishing situation? We are now listening to a Unification Principle lecture in the presence of the Buddha. This fact would be a really astounding truth to those in the physical world and the spirit world alike. We are not listening to the Unification Principle just because it is a new expression of truth and we are interested in and curious about it but because the Buddha has asked us to.

This path is one that the Buddha agonized about for several days, and only after worrying about it without being able to tell us, he finally decided to lead us here. The Buddha first examined the Unification Principle, and only after he determined that it was a path that he himself should follow did he lead us here; hence, the path we should follow was also already set for us, since as the ten greatest disciples of the Buddha, we are not in a position to leave him. 

However, there is one resolution that I, Maha Moggallana, made. Just as I believed in and followed the path trod by the Buddha until now, so will I continue to do so henceforth. Now that I have come to learn about the Unification Principle, I don't object to the direction I should follow. But how could the ascetic path followed by Buddhists in the past crumble all at once? That is what I feel truly despondent about.

There clearly was a Will of the Creator, who created all things in the universe. And the master of all creation including humankind is God, the Parent of humanity. The it follows that we human beings are His children. The question is how can the relationship of parent and child, between God and each person, be like this. Shouldn't parents know about the situation of the other. Isn't that how the relationship of parents and children, sharing a common lineage, is established?

But there is one thing that Maha Moggallana cannot understand. This situation could be compared to one in which the parents are waiting for their children to come home on a high mountain, but the children themselves don't know about this and are fishing by the seashore. How could they know about the mountain if they have lived their whole lives by the seaside? The children wouldn't know about the geographical features of a mountain or the winds blowing across the peaks, anymore than they could know about how to climb or descend from a mountain. Likewise, the way in which I have lived serving the Buddha my whole life would differ greatly from the standard and way in which I should serve God. I am very confused and bewildered. 

Though God and humanity are in a relationship of father and children, why did the Buddha and we, his disciples, remain ignorant of God? And why did God disregard the Buddhists? The truth is we Buddhist cannot but feel abandoned. The path of penance that we have followed has truly been sincere and genuine. In spite of that, we had no inkling that there was a parent of humanity, and if there was, we didn't know about his circumstances. Why was that? Are we Buddhists insignificant children in front of God?

However, the Buddha has made up his mind to follow this path. We Buddhists therefore have to follow it as well, but I feel very melancholy. There is inexpressible pain in my heart. In the past, the penance we Buddhists overcame the pain we inflicted on our physical bodies with the tranquility in our hearts, but now we cannot overcome the pain in our hearts. Does the difficult penance of the Buddhists hold no meaning before God? Is that why the Buddha was so troubled when he learned about the Unification Principle? I believe I too can understand the heart of the Buddha to a certain extent. 

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, I, Maha Moggallana, am very perturbed. I recognize that, to remain as one of the ten great disciples of the Buddha, it is only logical for me to follow the path of the Unification Principle, but the Unification Principle is like an overly severe punishment for us. I am being frank about this. As time passes, my mind will be more at ease. And if the Unification Principle is the eternal truth, how could I turn away from this path even if a greater suffering than the penance of the past were to come with it? Since Rev. Sun Myung Moon has been enthroned as the True Parent of humanity, may he shed a new light of honor upon us, the ten disciples, and all the Buddhists who have gone over high and steep mountains. 

Maha Moggallana
February 10, 2002

2) Venerable Maha Kassapa 
One of the Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the best disciple of the denomination
"We have all resolved to support each other and actively carry out missionary work."
The fundamental truth of life was in existence before the birth of humankind, but I, Maha Kassapa, was born without being blessed with the benefits of the age, and so I did not come across that truth. I am truly mortified about it. The Buddha and the ten disciples are all to be pitied. However, through the ascetic life of Buddhists in search of the truth were truly noble. We endured and overcame all kinds of suffering for nothing else but the life of the truth.

With regard to life itself, haven't human beings opposed God from the time of the first human ancestors? But who understood this fact? Though the ascetic practice of buddhists until now may not be meritorious deeds or achievements before God, it was undertaking in order to discover the truth about human life. That is how we came to remain as the ten great disciples. And isn't this also how we were give the opportunity to encounter the Unification Principle? From this perspective, the ascetic practice of the Buddhists was not useless, was it?

This is not a place where just anyone can come, and not just anyone can listen to a Unification Principle lecture. Only those who have been especially invited can attend. For such a time as this, innumerable people must have prayed and offered devotions. Since we Buddhists have been invited to such an invaluable occasion as this, we should be grateful and accept the Unification Principle.

We, the ten great disciples, all went through this Unification Principle education, tense and with our nerves on edge. However, the Buddha reassured us respectfully. Let us go with him! If this is the path followed by the Buddha, and if this is the path destined for humanity, we should follow it with gratitude. The word "Unification" in the terms Unification Principle seemed really harsh and scary. This was because the word Unification signifies not being led but leading others. With our painstaking penance of the past as the foundation of our lives here, we should lead many Buddhists to the new path.

Just as crops grow better when they are fertilized with manure, now that the life of Maha Kassapa has been given wholesome nutrients, from now on I, Maha Kassapa, will serve God as my Parent and march forward towards the path of truth revealed by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Convinced of the fact that the life of the Buddha has not been in vain, we, the ten great disciples, have resolved to support each other and actively carry out missionary work. We cannot spare time for lamenting or regret. Maha Kassapa has risen again.

Heavenly Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, please put an end to our pain and accept us.

Maha Kassapa
February 10, 2002

3) Subhuti
One of the ten greatest disciples, the first to understand the potency of emptiness in relation to all laws
"The problems of birth, aging, sickness and death in life cannot be resolved by human effort."
Though it has been long since I realized that the harmony of all created things could not be achieved by human effort alone, I never once imagined that such an astonishing truth could be inherent in the Unification Principle. How did the beginning of history go so wrong? The wronged, wretched and lamenting hearts of the Buddha and the ten great disciples could not be expressed in any number of words. However, even more wronged, wretched and lamenting than us is God in His situation. Of course, through that providential process happened in the past, the Owner of the history of humanity was replaced for thousands of years, and it is almost like an ancient tale fabricated by some writer. However, it has been and is the historical reality.

One day, the Buddha spoke thus to us quietly: "The problems of birth, aging, sickness and death in life cannot be resolved by human effort. From the time we were born to when we aged, fell ill and finally died, there has been the One who has always watched over us and looked after us. We Buddhists must meet him. He has resolved all the problems that the Buddha could not resolve. I hope the other Buddhists will all accept him with a humble heart."

After that, although several days passed by, the Buddha did not issue any further instructions; then the day finally arrived. Who is this One? Where is he? No matter how much we looked around, we could not see him, nor could we meet him. The Unification Principle has made us realize so much. Had Rev. Sun Myung Moon carried out even greater penance than our teacher, the Buddha? What great things had he endured? Though the Buddha walked a path verging on death many a time to resolve the fundamental problems of humankind, it could not be compared with what God and Rev. Sun Myung Moon went through.

Lord Buddha, do not grieve in your heart. I, Subhuti, will clear everything from my mind and begin anew. I have made up my mind. How could a person enjoy all kinds of blessings? It was not my will to be born in that age, and since I lived as the water flows and the wind blows, I will humbly accept everything, here and now.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us and calling us here. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, True Parents! The Buddha! I will follow, preserving my dignity as your disciple. Please overlook everything in my past magnanimously and please guide us Buddhists on our future path.

February 11, 2002

4) Venerable Rahula
The son of the Buddha, one of the ten greatest disciples
"What is the path that children should follow for the sake of their physical parents."
Upon being born, I found myself the son of the Buddha. It was not my personal intention, and I had no choice in the matter. My family was not happy. I rarely saw my father, and my mother always looked as if she was immersed in suffering with a tear-soaked face. Such was the atmosphere of my family. As I grew older, my perspective of the world also changed. I could understand the positions of my father and mother.

And I wanted to be freed from my family. Whatever family I looked at, I could not find happiness between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters. I had no way of knowing why the family was like that, and how that problem could be resolved. Just like other families, the peace in my family too was broken and shattered into pieces. The luxurious garments as well as the magnificently laid tables and palace were of no interest to me. I fell into a deep affliction, worried about what life was for.

This was the motive for my following in my father's footsteps. After listening to the Unification Principle, I could not contain the heartrending pain within me. First, it was difficult for me to overcome the sufferings of my father and the pitiable state of my mother. Their wretchedness tormented me greatly. My father has experienced all kinds of penance. He lived his whole life undergoing severe physical torture. By going through it he was able to reach a state of ecstasy. Was such a feat easy? My father lived his life in such a manner to resolve the questions of the birth, aging, sickness and death of human beings, and what did he have to show for it? The issues based on the circumstances of that time completely shattered my family and caused it to be abandoned. The pain I felt then cannot be expressed in words. No earthly expression could do justice to that situation.

Now that I have learned about the Unification Principle, I realize that God must have desired to see harmony in my family. According to the Unification Principle revealed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, is the hope of God and the premise of the blessings for all humankind to achieve the four-position foundation in the family and realize the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven, thereby living together with God forever. Where should I stand now? I recognize the greatness of the Unification Principle. That is why I am feeling so confused and tormented from several perspectives. After being awakened to the Unification Principle a long time ago, my father has changed his direction in life. But where should my mother and I stand? This strange tragicomedy is strangling my family.

Heavenly Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the vertical Parent of humanity, the horizontal parents of humanity, how will you resolve the problem in my family? I, Rahula, believe everything of the Unification Principle. But even if I have realized clearly that this is the path I should follow, what is the path that children should follow for their physical parents? Is there no way to realize the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven from such a position?

Heavenly Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, please accept the life of Rahula and please guide me on the new path. I beg this of you.

February 12, 2002

5) Ashvaghosha  
Founder of Mahayana Buddhism 
"Now the Unification Principle has come forth: the dance of the devils will be over."
I thought that the Buddhist Sutras dealt with all problems in life on a very extensive scale, and I've lived in gratitude for being able to focus my whole life upon them. However, after coming across the Unification Principle, I, Ashvaghosha, felt so mortified. I have never regretted my life so much. As one of many Buddhists, I have lived with pride in my own way and I have always been grateful.

However, I cannot contain the conflict in my heart at the fact that such a great truth has been there all this time. Is this the era of revealing the Secret Of Heaven? What teaching did God desire that the innumerable people who were born before this era center their lives upon? Human history has continued for a very long time; why then did God fail to reveal this during all that time? The Providence of Restoration in the Unification Principle sheds light on the parallel eras, which are stained with the history of a great many grievances of God. Before such a God, humanity has spent eons without producing a solution, and through history humanity has served as a partner on the dance floor with the devil. I finally came to realize that the story behind human history is so miserable.

Gathered here are the representatives of many denominations. The Christians and the Confucians have already expressed their opinions, and it is now the turn of the Buddhists, but could all people be united as one if the representatives of the various religions came together as one centering on the Unification Principle? If that came to pass, would the world of the devil come to an end? Even if that could happen, it would take a very long time.

Since Rev. Sun Myung Moon has come as the manifestation of the True Parents of humanity and publicized the Unification Principle to all people, it is my belief that all humanity should live in accordance with the one new expression of truth. However, it will take time for the different believers to discard the teachings they have been upholding till now. I, Ashvaghosha, also feel mortified about the life I have led centering on Buddhism, but I have settled upon the new direction that I should follow.

Heavenly Father, please help me to put behind me the past years as quickly as possible. Though the terms used by True Parents are unfamiliar and awkward for me, I will attend and follow True Parents. Please help me.

February 13, 2002

6) Dharmaraksa 
Familiar with 36 languages; brought innumerable Buddhist Sutras to China and translated them
"There will no longer be the need for people to read the traditional Sutras"
I, Dharmaraksa, was greatly surprised when I heard about the Unification Principle. I was interested in many different Sutras during my life, and I dedicated my life to studying them in my own way. The Unification Principle is truly wonderful, incomparable to any other traditional scripture. It is an amazing scripture. You couldn't find a greater scripture than the Unification Principle, no matter how much you tried. Human effort alone could not have revealed it in such an organized and systematic way.

The Unification Principle must truly be a revelation from God. It has clearly elucidated all fields, from the beginning of human history to the afterlife. In the matter of the development of its logic, it is done in an organized and systematic way and so even if an ordinary person who is not religious were to read it from beginning to end, he would be able to understand its value. In particular, we Buddhists should read this scripture fully and carefully, and accept it as our own. 

Of course, I, Dharmaraksa, am not satisfied with all the content of the Unification Principle. It tells us that the devil took the lead in dominating human history, even before humans themselves. That sounds extremely strange, not to mention theoretically contradictory and inconsistent. However, I believe that this is because I have yet to fully understand the contents of the Unification Principle, and I have decided to accept it. And what I came to understand clearly through my education in the Unification Principle is the explanation of the dual structure of human beings. 

Human beings continue to live without knowing where they are headed. Most of them do not know of the direction they should take, or their final destination. They all do their best on earth, only to discover after they die that there is an afterlife. Until now, there has never been anyone who brought understanding or taught about this in clear detail with supporting evidence. 

Everybody is living under the vague assumption that "There must be such a world" and that "It would be nice if we went to the Buddhist paradise." Such has been the life of human beings. However, the Unification Principle clearly explains the issue of the afterlife based on the dual structure of humankind. For all of us, we are only passing through life on earth. Our life on earth is important because our life in the next world is important. 

Upon coming here, that is, the spirit world, I was astonished to learn our life here was quite similar to our life on earth. A world more beautiful than the physical world, paradise, still remains a place of hope for the Buddhists. I have thought a great deal about paradise. All human beings, without exception, are destined to come here to the spirit world. This is the final destination for all humanity. All humanity will live here forever. But this is not a place where you have to live with material things as you do in the physical world, and you cannot move here and there freely. Your eternal abode in the spirit world is determined according to your deeds in your earthly life. 

I cannot help admiring and marveling at all the internal aspects of the Unification Principle. There were many facts that one could not have understood even here in the spirit world. Only after listening to the Unification Principle was I able to comprehend them all. Rev. Sun Myung Moon has achieved a miraculous deed. He has opened the way to true salvation for humankind. And he has also taught the fundamentals of living for and serving God as our Parent. 

Buddhists, all those living in the spirit world as well as in the physical world, should listen to the Unification Principle. It will become your eternal scripture. I want to shout out Mansei, Mansei! There will no longer be need for humanity to read the traditional Sutras. Since we have come to understand the fundamental principles of life and the universe, all we would have to do is follow that path and live zealously. No matter how many Buddhists point at me and call me insane, I will not worry about it and will just follow the teachings of the Unification Principle. Thank you. 

February 13, 2001

7) Dharma 
Founder of Zen Buddhism in China
"I have come to know who God and Rev. Sun Myung Moon are." 
During my life on earth, I discovered the value of life through the Buddhist Sutras, and I was also deeply interested in finding the meaning of life in various other scriptures. However, I have found out there is a great difference between the fundamental principles of humankind revealed by the Unification Principle an those of traditional scriptures. The Unification Principle contains amazing content, too great for human minds to discover. The Unification Principle has revealed the fundamental principles of humankind in many concrete details. Which points are applicable to Buddhists? No matter how much I think about it, I cannot but believe that the Unification Principle is not the teaching of a particular denomination. It is my opinion that it is a great truth that all humanity should clearly know about.

I'm sure everyone has a sense of regret in their hearts, saying, "Oh, if only I came to know about the Unification Principle a little sooner..." However, I will not harbor regrets or lingering attachments. I have decided not to be greedy anymore. I will accept the present as it is. I, Dharma, do not have any resolutions at hand right now. Since I have come across a new expression of truth without any warning. I will live according to the direction of the new expression of truth as soon as my mind is put in order. One thing that is clear for me is that I have come to know who God and Rev. Sun Myung Moon are. I will also keep in mind clearly the matter of the hereafter. The decision on what I, Dharma, will do in the future has already been made.

February 13, 2002

8) Kang Seng-hui
Moved to the Kingdom of Wu in China and spread Buddhism 
"I am going to convert to the Unification Principle."
There are teachings of various dimensions for righteous life in Buddhist Sutras. I, Kang Seng-hui, have gained a lot from those Sutras, and have been satisfied with them all my life. However, now that I have heard about the Unification Principle, I have discovered that I have certain limitations that I cannot do anything about. The Unification Principle, which was discovered as revelations from God, is truly great and extensive. The Buddhist Sutras only dealt with just a small part of the whole. Those Buddhists who have not heard the Unification Principle may feel their pride wounded, but that cannot be helped from the viewpoint of the truth. The Unification Principle reveals everything throughly, from the beginning of life to its final destination, eschatology, and even the purpose of creation. It is truly great and extensive. 

I, Kang Seng-hui, would like to convey my earnest words to the Buddhists. Most Buddhists are arriving at parts of the truth after undergoing difficult ascetic practices. However, there is a faster way now than difficult penance. The Buddhists do not know anything about it, though. Live in attendance to True Parents as soon as possible. That is the way of sons and daughters of filial piety, and the swiftest way to follow the path of patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. Not only I but many Buddhists have pride and attachment to our beliefs. However, such things have no meaning in the Unification Principle. 

I, Kang Seng-hui, would like to shout out to all Buddhist to be liberated from the path of suffering. Even if we were to offer bows thousands and tens of thousands of times, until our knees wore off, but turned our faces away from True Parents, we would become unfilial sons and daughters. I hope and pray that we all bear this in mind. 

Heavenly Father! True Parents! Rev. Sun Myung Moon! I have finally come to know this deep meaning, I greatly desire to rid myself of everything as quickly as possible and begin anew, so please consider my conversion to the Unification Principle carefully, and please open the way for the countless other Buddhists. 

Kang Seng-hui 
February 15, 2002 

9) Maitreya
Founder of Yogacara of India 
"I was deeply moved and impressed by the eschatology of the Unification Principle." 
It seems that the many religious people who have heard the Unification Principle have resolved to follow the righteous path in life. It is my belief that the Unification Principle will become a great Sutra. The faces of those who are proud and clinging to their beliefs looked shocked and sullen. I can see a few people with such faces here and there. 

Maitreya was deeply moved and impressed by the eschatology of the Unification Principle. It explains the dual structure of a human being and elucidates it in a logical and orderly way. I am sure that Maitreya and most Buddhists identified with it. Why have we Buddhists, who have walked a solitary path of all kinds of suffering, crossing high and steep mountains, anticipating and hoping to find paradise albeit vaguely, failed to reach it? Buddhists, you may call me names and even throw stones at me. Upon listening to the Unification Principle, I have come to believe that there is a problem in the path we are following. Try to find out what it is. What would you do with me if I, Maitreya, became engrossed in the Unification Principle here in the spirit world? If it is not the right path, you should not follow it. If it is the right path, you should follow it no matter how high and steep it is. I have been enlightened by the fundamental teachings of God and Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Buddhists, try to listen to the entire Unification Principle. And empty your minds. 

February 16, 2002 

10) Xuanzang 
Buddhist monk in the time of the Tang Dynasty; writer of the Great Tang Records on the Western Regions
"The Unification Principle presents clearly new viewpoints on history, the universe and life."
I, Xuanzang, who had been wandering about in ignorance, came to have new power upon awakening to the Unification Principle. For a long time, I had made no small effort to find the true meaning of life, but I had failed to find it. It was only in the Completed Testament Age that the Unification Principle appeared. In considering the providence of parallel ages, unfortunate though it is, we could not have expected the appearance of the Unification Principle in the age of Buddhism. Therefore, the ascetic practice of Buddhists could not but be wrong.

It is true that the ascetic life led by Buddhists until now is, in light of its prestige and reputation, a very shameful one. It seems we Buddhists were buried within ourselves, and built a wall around us and lived crouched within. Now we hope to get out of there. Frankly speaking, there is almost no change in the appearance of Buddhists in the physical world or the spirit world. However, the Unification Principle presents clear new viewpoints on history, the universe and life. When I think about the existence of God, I want to vent my pent-up anger. 

God is the Parent of humanity. We Buddhists failed to meet God, even when we had carried out penance that verged on death. Why was that? Before he discovered the Unification Principle, Rev. Sun Myung Moon triumphed on numerous providential levels. The most appropriate term for describing the Unification Principle is that it is the Heavenly Secret. The Unification Principle is the formula for life that all should follow. There are many circumstances around me which are hard to explain. I will omit them here because they are circumstances that are common to most Buddhists. And I would like to make a request to our host: I wish to ask that you open up the path for us, so that I, Xuanzang, do not become a heretic among Buddhists. 

February 25, 2002

11) Zhiyi
Buddhists monk during the Sui Dynasty in China; the founder of Tiantai 
"I will receive the Blessing and live in paradise."
I, Zhiyi, upon understanding the Unification Principle, feel and urge to receive the Blessing at once. This is because I can go to paradise only after receiving the Blessing. The ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven in the Unification Principle is truly great and beautiful. Until now, I, Zhiyi, have lived in chastity, so I believe I am eligible to receive the Blessing. I have read all manner of Buddhist scriptures, and have repeatedly walked paths of difficulty and suffering. However, there remains nothing to show for my ascetic life. This cannot be helped, though. I will unhesitatingly make a new start centering upon the Unification Principle. This is not because I want to be liberated from practicing asceticism. It is because I firmly believe that the content revealed by the Unification Principle is more than feasible, and that it is the truth that we human beings should follow.

Until now I have walked the path of an ascetic life with many thoughts in my min, but I have never come across a teaching like the Unification Principle. My training until now has been a process of disciplining the physical body and cultivating the min. On that foundation I have across a new expression of truth, and I should live righteously. I am really grateful for this amazing Unification Principle. I will follow the instructions of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who has come to the earth as the manifestation of True Parents to humanity, and I will attend God as my Parent and fulfill my duties as a human being. I, Zhiyi, will be absolutely obedient to the teachings of God and True Parents. And I will be absolutely obedient to the teachings of God and True Parents. And I will do my utmost best to adopt the teachings of the Unification Principle as my own.

March 1, 2002

12) Lee Cha-don 
Korean Buddhist monk martyred for his faith in 1st century AD; his example inspired the conversion of Korea to Buddhism.
"I offer this to the True Parents of Heaven and Earth."
 True Parents, I am Lee Cha-don. True Parents, True Parents, True Parents! It is an honor for me just to call out your name. I want to go around shouting, "Rev. Sun Myung Moon, our True Parent, Mansei, Mansei!" There are many Buddhists gathered here. They are people who have been victorious on paths of suffering that others had no idea of, those who have walked paths that others could not, and have experienced moral awakening at unheard of levels, but they are full of pride and stubbornness. I would like to say one thing to True Parents at this time. The many Buddhists here including several high priests have walked the solitary path of the ascetic practice of Buddhism, and have endeavored to find the true meaning of life even though they faced death on numerous occasions. Couldn't you please show them the grace of mercy and magnanimity?

One day, the Buddha made his appearance here. Not revealing that he was the Buddha, he offered a bow before the picture of True Parents wordlessly, and holding back his tears, he prayed in a teary voice, "Please forgive the Buddhists and accept them as your children." Then he fell into silence and went in quietly. However, only a few know who he is. Dr. San Hun Lee asked, "Do you know who it was that just came forth?" and then announced, "He is none other than the Buddha." Then there was a general stir and a few here and there were on the verge of tears.

Thenceforth, the attitude of high priests changed. True Parents, I, Lee Cha-don, promise this to you. While on earth, I offered my life for my nation, but now I will offer my soul for God and True Parents, and the peace of all the people of the world. I will become a pioneer and lead all the Buddhists. Please accept my request though I am so lacking, and please bless my future path!

Though we all know about the path of the Unification Principle, we Buddhists all harbor anxiety. This is because we Buddhists have lived a long way away from the will of God, and because we have no condition upon which we can enter the Garden where God dwells. True Parents, we are truly grateful for your revealing the Unification Principle, which i a global scripture that will shine forevermore in the history of humanity. Though I am not a lecturer of the Principle, I, Lee Cha-don, will fortify myself with the Unification Principle and become a pioneer with the heart of a phoenix for the salvation of the Buddhists. True Father, please let your mind be at ease therefore. May you live in good health for thousands of years to come. I, your son, Lee Cha-don, offer this letter to you.

Lee Cha-don
March 11, 2002



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